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  •  Rahn
  • No customer Topic Starter
I feel like I'm missing something simple here.

Windows 7, 64 bit:
The pop-up notifications saying when jobs start and stop keep getting turned back on.

In the Tray Client, I uncheck the boxes to show Job Start notification and Job Stop nofications.
That works fine, until I reboot, then they are reset and turned back on.

Any thoughts?

(And just out of curiousity, does anyone look at these? I find them annoying, but that could be because I have dozens of jobs running all the time, and they're constantly popping up. :))

Forum information
The settings for the VC Tray Client are stored per user on the users local application folder. You can see exactly which directory it is by opening the Client and go to File->Client settings->Folders->Settings button. Make sure that you have write access to that folder.

But perhaps you are logging in with different users and you need to set this for each user?

Maybe that feature is not so interesting when you run Jobs every minute, but maybe it is interesting if you run something once a day and especially in the beginning so you can verify that everything is configured right.
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