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  •  LDM
  • No customer Topic Starter
I apologize in advance if some of this is incredibly obvious, but I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure it out on my own and have to admit I'm in over my head.

Currently, we have a program called scheduler running this

RunExecute "Open", "D:\qbbasee.mdb", "", "", 1
SetFocus "QBooks Office - Import", 0, False, True
Send "d:\client.QBW"
Send {TAB}
Send "client.mdb"
Wait 1
Send {TAB}
Wait 1
Send " "
Wait 50
Send " "
SetFocus "QBooks Office - Import", 0, False, True
Wait 1
Send {TAB}
Send {TAB}
Send {TAB}
Wait 1
Send " "
Send " "
SetFocus "qbbasee : Database (Access 97 file format)", 2, False, True
qbbaseeWID=GetWindowID "qbbasee : Database", 0, False, True
CloseWindow qbbaseeWID
qbooksWID=GetWindowID "QBooks Office Data Importer", 2, True, True
qbooksPID=GetProcessID qbooksWID
CloseWindow qbooksWID

I'm trying to get the same sort of functionality using VisualCron, just hopefully streamlined. As it is, this program runs one of these macros set on a minute schedule, so there's lots of downtime between them. Ideally, I'd like to eventually have it running them back to back as soon as the previous finishes. But I'm getting ahead of myself, I can't even get that basic idea translated to VisualCron.

I've set up a job that has an execute task. It opens up the correct file and all that jazz. Now, I need it to enter the file path and name. I can get it to do this if I set up a new job, however I can't get it to do it setting up a task to run after the execute in the original job. I tried setting up a condition where the keystroke task would run after the execute task completes, but I couldn't get that to work. I also tried to set a condition where it would send the keystrokes if the process was running. Is there an easier way to do this or did I just try and configure it incorrectly? It seemed to me that it wasn't really recognizing that the first (execute) task finished.

Sorry for the wall of text and the lack of comprehension, any help is greatly appreciated.
Forum information
Is this a Remote Execute Task or just a normal Execute Task?
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  •  LDM
  • No customer Topic Starter
LDM wrote:

Now, I need it to enter the file path and name.

Not sure what you mean here. But if you are saying there is a popup coming up then your bat file is probably running as the wrong user. Also, you are trying to send window messages which requires desktop access - and by default VisualCron executes files in the background.

What you could try is to go into the main settings of the Task and change Execution context to Foreground mode. Then,

1. your batch file will run in desktop mode with window accesss
2. use your logged in user
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