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I want to FTP some files that appear (erratically over the course of a day) in a folder, and then move them to a different folder.

How do I ensure a file is only moved after a successful FTP - and how do I ensure if it fails, it is then reattempted later?

My worry about using time based triggers is that if, say, FTP fails for some of them and not others, or if a file is added after the FTP task but before the Move task, then it may get moved without being FTPed.

If I rely only on file created triggers, then if they do fail, they don't get rerun.
Forum information
I presume you are using a local file trigger for watching a folder for new files (that later will be ftp:ed). If you do so, and use the Job setting (in Job main settings) "Put Job in queue" then VisualCron will process one file at a time.

In the FTP Task there is an "On error" tab. Here you can control that the Task should be retried after waiting x seconds for example.
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