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  •  dmay
  • Free support Topic Starter
I would like support for the SCP protocol. We have networking devices that support SCP, but not SFTP.

Ideally it would support using VisualCron variables to be passed to the SCP command.

For instance:

scp user@hostname:/remote_file.cfg local_file-{DATETIME()}.cfg
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I 3rd, 4th, and 5th this request.

I honestly haven't ever had a need to do SCP, but i just got out of a meeting and now it's either VisualCron does SCP or I get to dirty up my server and load the Oracle 11g client on it to run an execute task to get a file to a linux server (Samba not allowed), before executing a script via the SSH task.

Originally Posted by: bbusse 

I 3rd, 4th, and 5th this request.

I honestly haven't ever had a need to do SCP, but i just got out of a meeting and now it's either VisualCron does SCP or I get to dirty up my server and load the Oracle 11g client on it to run an execute task to get a file to a linux server (Samba not allowed), before executing a script via the SSH task.


Most likely you can do what you want over SFTP just as easy which is supported today. The only thing SCP does over SFTP is provide an easier scripting interface. Most linux implementations will allow sftp only without scp but not the other way around. I am not sure what benefit SCP is providing at this point accept the ability to use it a raw commands via an API that you can't do with SFTP.
Hi all,

this has now been implemented in 8.0.2.
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