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  •  prsb
  • No customer Topic Starter
I am wanting a solution for the following.
I have several business partners creating documents into a set directory (on each of their own severs)
I need a solution to poll those server locations and copy all files from those servers onto a single FTP server at our end.

i.e POLL upto 100 different file folders on 100 different servers (some behind firewalls). Where a file is new or revised - copy onto our FTP site on our server.

I have downloaded your product and have been having a look for the last hour or so. I have simply set up 2 directorys on my local machine and am polling one and copying to another. All works well.

Can you tell me if I can use a single platform to reach many different servers or if I need to have your software on each of the servers I need to access.

If I can - how do I do it?

Forum information
Yes, you could use a single platform. Download (through FTP) from all remote servers to local folders. Then use the File trigger to detect new files and react on that.
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  •  prsb
  • No customer Topic Starter
please could you tell me how to set up access into other servers / pc's outside of the network that VC is installed on.

Say one PC in Australia
One Pc in New York and
One PC in London.

I want to poll a specific directory in each of those machines and then once detected ftp files to a directory on my local server/PC.

Could you tell me how to set up additional servers please. I cannot work it out.

To poll a remote directory (which is not in a local network) you need to set up some kind of transfer protocol server. Such as FTP. So you need to install a ftp server on each of them and then tell VisualCron to connect via FTP and download files.

The other way is to install VisualCron on all those servers and monitor locally.
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