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  •  jm
  • Paid support Topic Starter

Trying to remote execute a batch file from my visual cron server (2003), to a 2008 R2 server.
When the task is run either scheduled or manually from VC it reports success, but it doesn't actually run on the remote server.
The task runs 2 batch files - one checks if a drive is present and if true calls a second batch file to run the backup. The backup is to export the dhcp scopes to a local drive - and I have added the service account to dhcp administrators.
Using a local admin user account (service account is a domain account & local admin on both servers) for the task. I have tried my account as well (domain admin) but same result.
When I manually run the batch file while logged on to the 2008 server it runs ok, and it also runs ok if I do a run as the service account.
I have tried pointing to \\server\c$\scripts\file.bat or \\server\share\scripts\file.bat
with the same result
Because this is running remotely it's running as background execution.
Has anyone come across this type of thing before?
I think it's due to the server being hardened quite heavily, I'm going to test on a vanilla 2008 R2 to see what happens. These batch files work fine from visual cron when pointing to a 2003 R2 server.


Forum information
Do you get a PID in output?

Try to create a simple batch file that just writes the current time stamp to a local file. Does that work?
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  •  jm
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Hi Henrik,

Unfortunately this doesn't work either.
I tried creating a couple simple batch files and the same thing. I can run locally on the 2008 R2 server ok but not remotely using VC.
There is always a PID in output each time I run these, and the VC task reports success.
I'll try on base 2008 R2 server with no GPO and see what happens.

  •  jm
  • Paid support Topic Starter
My apologies Henrik,
The problem turned out to be my scripts.
I needed to specify the complete path when calling another batch file from within a batch file, eg CALL c:\scripts\..

There has been no issue running VC jobs in 2008 R2

Please remove this post if you think it will cause confusion for other people.

No problem. Thanks for the feedback!
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