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Okay.. here is what happened last night...

The exchange was down for a few minutes (10-15 minutes) yesterday. Today no Email Trigger Jobs fired and we didn't get any error messages on the VisualCron Client Console.

When I check the logs I saw this from 4:00 AM... "Error occurred: Error in Main Trigger(1). ex: A0467 NO LOGIN failed."

The Jobs showed no indication of any issue and showed "Event Trigger (Mail)" in the "Next Run" column as usual.

We then had to open each and every job for edit.. which brought up a popup message saying "Error in Mail Trigger..." and just click okay and they started working again.

Any way to fix or avoid this? If exchange goes down for a few minutes can it detect that the mail server is just unreachable and NOT inactive the trigger?

Forum information
Are you sure you didn't enable the Triggers again when opening the Jobs? It sounds like the Triggers where disabled.
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Support wrote:

Are you sure you didn't enable the Triggers again when opening the Jobs? It sounds like the Triggers where disabled.

Yes, I am sure I didn't re-enable them. It seemed that when I opened each of the Email Trigger job and it showed the popup with the error message.. that was all it was waiting for. And then they started working. Is it possible that it automatically enabled the Triggers when I click on 'ok' on the main job screen?

While I was testing/implementing this last month, and our IMAP service wasent running on Exchange, I did notice that after 3 tries it DID deactivate the trigger and I had to check the check box again to Re-Activate them BUT that wasent the case this time.

Regardless, is there a way to do something that they don't get "frozen" or "deactivated" if exchange is down for a few minutes/hours?

You guys are the experts but whats the point of deactivating them anyway? Why can't it just keep checking (and failing) and logging the error "can't connect" to the log? This way when the Exchange does come back up.. it will be business as usual.

Happened again last night. I guess our exchange or network does some maintenance around 4:00 am. When I double click on the Job, the exact error is "A trigger was inactivated due to an error: Error in Mail Trigger (2), ex: A socket operation failed because the destination Host was down The trigger was connected to the job: MyJobName". But all I need to do is click "Okay". I don't need to check the box again to reactivate it. Anyway, it doesn't matter if its getting "inactivated" or "frozen", the goal is to have it not do that and avoid double clicking on 15 jobs and clicking "okay" on each of those when the error shows up. Any ideas?

Last night it happend again. This time the log file says "Trigger was expired and inactivated". And i DO have to check the box again to active the trigger (unlike other times).
We will test this and get back to you.
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Support wrote:

We will test this and get back to you.

Thanks.. a couple of days of more testing.. the following results may help you...

1. "Number Of Retries" in Trigger set to 100.
2. No Clients Connected to server.
3. Issue happens at night. Following gets written to Logs.. "Error Occurred: Error in Mail Trigger(2), ex.... destination host was down - retrying to connect (retries left 98)."
4. Exchange comes back up in a couple of minutes.
5. In the morning those Email Trigger MAY OR MAY NOT respond to new emails.
6. Open Client - Everything looks normal UNTIL you click on the Job that has the Email Trigger attached (for editing) and click [okay], without changing anything, that brings up a popup box with the same error and writes the following to the Logs.. "Trigger error: Error in Mail Trigger(2), ex: A socket operation failed because the destination host was down." Everything is good after that. Note that the checkbox to active the trigger again DOES NOT need to be enabled (it was never deactivated since the "Number Of Retries" never reached zero I guess).

I do not think any major changes are needed as some users may want the triggers to inactivate if exchange is offline for double processing.

Option 1: Based on current options that VisualCron provides, I can live with "100" retries with a "5" minute check interval which gives me about 8 hours before the trigger should get inactivated. The issue is that even if I specify those options my trigger gets "stuck" (not inactivated) within a few minutes (when connection to exchange fails).

Option 2: If retries is set to "0" never inactivate the trigger. Keep checking and logging the error to log file.

Other performance issue that I have noticed 1-2 times now is job would say "Event Trigger (Mail)", no popup error messages, no error messages in log.. BUT the trigger would not respond to the email. The email stays in the Inbox as "new" (it's set to delete once checked in VisualCron). So, some trigger would hang like this while other triggers would continue to work. After deleting and re-creating the trigger, it starts to work. All jobs monitor the same Mailbox.

I think you guys really need to look into the reliability of Email Triggers. We have 10-20 of those and we would rather not re-enable/re-create them every time Exchange is out of communication for a few minutes.

Time Based triggers are having no issues at all. They always fire when expected 🙂 Also, if Exchange stays up 100% without a hitch I rarely see any issues on VisualCron.. I think the issue is in what VisualCron does if it detects that Exchange is unavailable.


Any progress on this? Do you need any information from me? A few days ago I had also emailed you guys the flash recording showing the issue.

We tested this this weekend with the following setup:

1. We installled an email server - not exchange though.
2. We created an email trigger with IMAP connection
3. We send a couple of emails testing that the Trigger worked
4. We turned the IMAP server of and VisualCron began reconnecting
5. We sent an email during downtime
6. After some minutes we turned on the IMAP server again
7. VisualCron reconnected and ran the Job once because of the existing email
8. We tested that we could send more email and the Trigger still worked
9. We repeated this process a couple of times

Is there anything you would like to add to our test?
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I am not sure what steps I can tell you to have you duplicate it on your side, but did you see the flash recording I had sent regarding the issue? I can have you remote desktop share next time it happens if that helps.

We will go through the flash recording once again to see if we can reproduce this issue. Next step would be testing through Teamviewer or other tool.
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I am having the same issue. I have another trigger that emails me when the email trigger is deactivated so I can login remotly and reactivate it. My retries are set to 15 and have now set them to 100 to try this but it would be nice to have something that allows the trigger to reactivate or stay active.
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