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I have a folder with text files which are updated every minute with a timestamp, e.g. 2011-04-28 12:51:12. I want to set up a cron job which checks that these files are updated every minute and if not send an email alert.

I have tried using touch file with date set to {DATENOWADD(Minutes|1|yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)}

The job runs successfully, but how do I get it to notify me when a file isn't updated?

Is it even possible to use VC to monitor files being updated in this manner?

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Hi meemee,

What you can do is using a file read task.
Check the output of this file read task with a value of a user variable
If there is a mismatch run the next task which is an email task,
if it's ok, skip the next task and go to the next (last task) (done by conditions).
The last task is setting the user variable to the output of the file read task.

You have to setup the user variable once by entering the current date time stamp.
Use a trigger to run your job every minute.

This should solve your issue.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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