Community forum

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Very frustrating!
It demanded a more complex password - my default is 6 letters with 1 in caps; It said i must add numbers or punctuation. so i use my complex password structure 6 letters, 1 cap and 6 numbers - IT DID NOT ACCEPT THIS it continued to demand punctuation or numbers. (note i had added 6 numbers!) - to make it work i reduced letters to 7 and added an exclamation mark(!) and it worked!
Can you fix this?
Forum information
Hi vanram,

I'm sorry you had problems during the register procedure.
I looked at the forum settings, but I was not able to see the password settings.

When I looked further I noticed that this is a setting in the web.config of this web forum application. It's in the <membership /> section. In here you can setup the complexity of the password.

The popup telling the password isn't complex enough, looks like a generic message, so it's not based on the password settings. Don't know if this is changeable. Might be somewhere in the language file of the forum product.

As I'm just a VC user, I can't change this for you. I hope the support team will look at this and they might change the popup message corresponding to the password settings.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.

I thought it would be useful to visualCron support. Obviously i got it figured...
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