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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
About 30 minutes before a job was scheduled to run, a time exception was applied to it that was for an upcoming holiday. At the time of the job run that day, the log shows that the job run was skipped because of the time exception for the future holiday. On subsequent days it has run as expected.

I checked the time exception configuration at the GUI and the time exception XML file. While I didn't make the update personally, I don't see any indication that it was misconfigured.

Is is possible that somehow it miscalculated the time exception? Is there a way to avoid the problem, if so? (It occurred on an older VC verion, 4.9.26, and I plan to move the job involved to a server with the current VC version.)
Forum information
While the version of VisualCron it is still not likely that any bug exists in the calculation of the Time exception as it has been in the "core" for years.

I would guess it was a misconfiguration from the beginning. If you can "turn back time" on that machine to reproduce it it would be interesting.
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