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I have a few generic questions for visualcron

1. Delete filed in the FTP task. How does that work? Is it a per file deletion or does it delete the contents of the directory matching the criteria after its done with all the files?

For example. Say there are 4 txt files in a directory. I want to download those 4 files and delete them after I have them. If a 5th file comes into the directory while the original 4 are being downloaded will it be deleted when the task deletes the original 4?

2. Is it possible to move files from one directory to another in an ftp site. Could we move a set of files from one folder to another and then download them from the new folder.

3. Is there a way to add more info to the log of a task so we can specifically see which filenames were processed and when. I.E. see which filenames it downloads and which filesnames it deletes during an ftp download task.

4. Does a debug method exist in Visualcron and if so how can we activate it? We would like to see a log of every command, result, file, etc.

Thanks for your help!
Forum information
1. It deletes files matching the file name. But you can use wild cards like ? or *

One way to solve this is to have a local file trigger, so when you have downloaded the file file it will connect with ftp and delete that exact file.

2. one at a time right now, with the Rename option

3. you could look at the output of the Task, or add the whole raw ftp log in the FTP Connection properties

4. see 3)
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I dont see where it is possible to turn on the raw ftp log.

Here is what the log of the task looks like currently:


Server key received (RSA). Fingerprint is b6:f9:00:9b:b2:e9:19:0b:73:77:e1:20:b2:b6:0c:16
Changed folder to: OUT
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105107.3LLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105107.3LLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.5LLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.5LLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.7LLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.7LLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.9LLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.9LLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.CMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.CMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.GMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.GMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.KMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.KMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.TMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.TMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105108.YMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105108.YMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105109.bMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105109.bMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105109.dMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105109.dMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105109.gMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105109.gMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105109.jMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105109.jMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105109.mMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105109.mMLB
Download file: /OUT/dextersfarm.20110727.105109.oMLB > C:\Inbound\DoD\850\dextersfarm.20110727.105109.oMLB

Under the FTP connection settings log tab we have "Log outgoing messages to task output" and "log incoming messages to task output" both checked.
When checking the items in the Connection the raw logging will appear in the ordinary log file log_serverDATE.txt in the log directory of VisualCron.

But this could be filled with other content to.

If you need something cleaner you should create a File write Task and use the PrevTask Variable in file content:

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