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I am getting very frustrated.. =)) I am still new to VCron and still in the process of converting the SSIS jobs to VC jobs and there are a variety of implementations I am still having difficulty with.

In particular I am trying to set a variable from the output of a SQL task. The task seems to have the proper output on the screen but I cannot figure out how to get the variable to properly set. i was able to send an email with the output so that seems to work but I cannot set the variable. I even added a Remove Variable task then Set Variable task and still the variable is an empty string.

I am setting the variable in the task using {TASK(dd3a7edf-5d6c-4683-bf42-2ac4d06e2b00,StdOut)} which I copied from the variables popup. It seems to work in the email.

Is there better documentation on this sort of task other than whats in the PDF? (There is only one little paragraph on setting a variable and nothing on from out puts).

If anyone has the steps to take to make this work, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Forum information
1. Ok, so you can see the correct output on the screen?
2. If you open the Variables browser and use that Variable - do you see it then?
3. Could you take a screen shot of your Job so we can see the Tasks in it?
4. could you add a screenshot of the Set Variable Task
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I found that if I un-check the Store Output and Store Error boxes that I had better luck with the variable setting. This may be coincidental. I see that now in the Variable's Value that the code for the task is sitting in there and it seems to be storing now.

Steps performed for tesitng, and now the variable is storing:
1) Uncheck Store Outpur
2) Uncheck Store Errors
3) Create task to Remove Variable
4) Run job - SQL sets output
5) Variable task sets the value to the output of the SQL
6) Send mail using the variable.

drandles attached the following image(s):
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