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Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

This release is very special as the the API has gone through major changes. Also, the Client is now using the API so everything you can do with the Client can now be done with the API. Besides that the interface has changed with theming you can now connect to multiple servers at once. In the future we will add support for moving Jobs across servers.

Another change is that we start directly with the main interface - no more login screen. We are now offering two connection methods. Local and remote. The remote is the old method which also can connect locally. If you work with the Client on the same machine as the server you should use the local method which is 10x faster than the old one.

We need your help to confirm that old functionality works as expected and that new functionality works as well. Below is a list of changes:

[FEATURE] Client/API: Client now supports many connections simultaneously
[FEATURE] API: API has been extended so it can do whatever the Client can do
[FEATURE] Client: Client now supports local connection type which is 10x faster than normal connection - please update your server connections
[FEATURE] Client: Major changes in UI
[FEATURE] Client: Added theme support
[FEATURE] Client: Proxy settings are now separated from Server proxy settings. Please review your proxy settings.
[BUGFIX] API: Many smaller bugfixes has been done in the API
[BUGFIX] Client: Desktop macro Task was not recording upper case correctly
[BUGFIX] Client: Removed some unwanted columns in Excel export of log
[BUGFIX] Client: Fixed a bug with Task stepping
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a problem where FTPSSSLImplicit connections where sorted out
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a Job timeout bug concerning threating it as error
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