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Hi Support

I am having a bit of a problem mapping network drives to visual cron.

First, just to understand, if I have network drives mapped to the Operating system (in this case it is windows XP), I still need to define the network drive within VC (with credentials if required)? Is this correct?

I am trying to map a CIFS drive and am getting errors (see attached screenshot). I have tried with and without credentials but still it fails.

I have also had an issue using the IP address of a normal windows share (e.g. \\\VC) where the UNC name works (e.g. \\JPPMNG-1\VC).

Any ideas?


osirisja attached the following image(s):
Forum information
Generally, you should avoid using mapped drives. The main reason is that mapped drive names can change easily and is not shared across users the same way.

The best approach is to use UNC paths only, together with a Credential.

If you really need to map a drive you should not use a Credential together with the mapped drive as it already is using a Credential when the drive was mapped.

If you have problems mapping a drive you could try the following:

1. change the user that runs the VisualCron service to a domain user, then try to map - without a credential
2. if that does not work then try 1. and map with a Credential
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