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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I got a transient error on a task:

8/29/2008 11:50:33 PM Err Unhandled exception in Task: There is a time and/or date difference between the client and server.

It worked the next time that the job ran. This isn't a big deal - I can put a retry on error on the task, but I was interested in knowing what time is being compared. It said that the mismatch was between the client and the server - the task ran automatically on a server (i.e. I wasn't running it from a VC client on the desktop.) The task did write to a file on a remote server - so was the time mismatch between the server that VC was running on, and the remote server where the file was being accessed? If so, how far off would the time need to be to throw an error? At the time that I looked at the time on the two servers, assuming those were the times being compared, there was no significant difference.
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We were actually confused by this case until we saw that the error was a normal Windows exit code. It has nothing to do with VisualCron at all. We just capture the exit code and show it. I guess Google is the best source for finding why this error occurs.
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