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We run a larger environment (40+ Windows boxes) and several "job operators" each managing VisualCron on various servers for their own workgroup needs.

It's a royal pain having to upgrade all VisualCron server AND client installs simultaneously to avoid receiving client version errors and losing the ability to remotely manage VisualCron servers.

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We try to no change the protocol (which is fundamental for the communication between Client and Server) too often. Fortunately/Unfortunately there has been many changes with new Tasks etc. which has forced us to change protocol.

But..have you ever tested the install with the Custom install? I know that install insn't updated in a few months but we will update that one this week. With that install, together with the included psexec.exe you can run the install remotely and push it out on Servers. You could easily create a script that pushes out the install to several servers - silently. You normally find the latest version of this custom install on the download page.

We will bump this thread when we have updated that install and maybe you can tell us then if it solves your problems.
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We have updated the custom install now: 

When unzipping, please take a look at the .bat-scripts.
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We have the same issue, only 5 servers and 10 clients to date but about to roll out across dozens of servers.

The custom install provides a work around but it is clumsy and still likely to cause trouble.

We really, really do need the client to be backward compatible with older versions of the server software. Not bothered about servers supporting older clients, upgrading the client is straightforward.

At the moment if we upgrade a single server we also have to upgrade the clients that access that server. If those clients also access other servers those servers need to be upgraded as well. Performing such upgrades on mass is a none starter.
Well, we could stop adding the "update required" message. Old versions "should" normally be backward compatible but if a user updates a Client he might get very confused when he tries to add a new Task which is not supported at server. We will change this, from now on, to be a warning when starting instead of a showstopper.
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We will change this, from now on, to be a warning when starting instead of a showstopper.


I take your point about the possibility for confusion if users try to use new functionality on servers which have not yet been updated. We can warn them not to use new functionality until server upgrades are completed (not that they'll listen!). The key thing is that it buys us time to upgrade the servers in a controlled manner rather than requiring a big-bang approach.

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