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I'm trying to run a task with a powershell script that interogates IIS to find the physical path of a virtual directory and write it to a file. When I run the script directly in powershell or right click on it and select "Run with powershell" the script runs correctly. However when I run the same script from within Visualcron, I get an error in the step with code 77777 and a stderr output of
"Exception in Task: Cannot find a provider with the name 'WebAdministration'. Cannot find a provider with the name 'WebAdministration'."

what can I do to fix this? the machine is a windows web server 2008 r2 (64 bit)

the powershell is very simple and contains the following

Import-Module WebAdministration
if (test-path c:\WebsiteLocations\CurrentUATOper8.loc)
Remove-Item c:\WebsiteLocations\CurrentUATOper8.loc
$CurrentUAT = (Get-WebFilePath "IIS:\Sites\UAT\Oper8").Name

New-Item -Path c:\WebsiteLocations -name CurrentUATOper8.loc -type "file" -value $CurrentUAT
Forum information
I am not a PowerShell expert but from what I have read this is a permissions problem. Try running this with a Credential.
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