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Please review my situation and let me know how to tackle this. Thank you in advance.

When an batch job (Task) encounters a “critical” error, it will create an error file and the success file will not be created. This should trigger the failure notification to be emailed and no other jobs should be triggered to process.

But when an batch job/task encounters a “minor” error, it will create an error file and the success file will also be created. This currently triggers the failure notification to be emailed, although because the success file is created, other batch jobs will continue to process. What would be ideal is to have the email indicate that in this case, the error was minor and didn’t interrupt the nightly processing, but that follow-up is needed (by the appropriate IS/business people).

Also, right now the success notification and the error notification are set up as 2 different jobs. To reduce the number of jobs listed, is it possible to include the 3 different notifications within 1 job?

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How do you know which is a critical or minor error?
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The batch job creates the output file based on the error. Can the notification be based on the output file? Right now we have 2 jobs one for success and one for failure.
I am not sure I understand your question. By default the Notification has two built in events. On error and on complete. But you seem to do your own error handling? If you do your own error handling you can use a Condition to read a file and react on content. You can attach the Condition to a Task in the end and then use the result of the Condition to run a Job for failur and a Job for success.
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This last reply seems to suggest doing what I'm trying to do, but I haven't quite figured out how to get it to work properly.

Instead of files created by the task, I want to use conditions: one for exit code 0, one for exit code nonzero. I want different email notifications to be sent out dependening on each condition.

I haven't figured out how to get the "action" of the condition to trigger an email notification -- I only see options for continue, next, retry, exit, etc.
You have to create a Job for doing that. Add an Email Task to that Job. And call that Job from the Condition.
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My situation is little different.

Every job will create a success file/error file or both. The file names are based on the job name.

If the success file is created, it should sent a notification that the success file is created. If error file is created, an alert notification should be sent. If both are created, it should send a alert even though success file is created.

In the condition set, i can add conditions to check if success file/error file are present/absent. How do I accomplish this?
You can use the following Variable and combine it with the rest of the filename:


Use this Variable in the File Condition.
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