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  •  Rune
  • Free support Topic Starter
Is it possible to fail a task if output gives a certain number? We have a command that gives us "PID=5208" in standard output, and if the PID-number is something else the task should be marked as "failed" and then produce a notification based on this fail. How can we solve this?

Thanx for an excellent application by the way!
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After looking into this we see that we get a proper exit code from execution. The API of Windows remote execute can only tell us if the process started OK. If the start fails in some way the Task will produce an error. Do you have any example when this is not the case?
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  •  Rune
  • Free support Topic Starter
Well. We have an executable that uploads an xml-file to a webservices-site. When the upload experience different situations it returns f.ex. "PID=6546" or "PID=3232". It depends wether the file uploaded exists on the site from before or some other situation. The command itself returns OK because it runs and understands the different options. Since VisualCron actually returns a standard-output with this PID-number it should be fairly easy to program different notifications based on the PID-number in the standard output, or what?

It should be possible to write an VBS-script that increases errorlevel when different PID-numbers are returned, but that would introduce an extra point of failure I don't want. That's why I use VisualCron in the first place. To get rid of additional layers of failure and provide us with mail notifications when different things happen.
PID is process id and is just the id of the process that was started. It does not say anything else about success or anything.
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