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  •  Brett
  • No customer Topic Starter
If I read a file and am driving a loop through each row - the loop function {LOOP(CurrentValueXArray,0)}

allows me to select individual fields of the current row and use them or assign them to variables

I have an sql read that returns to STD OUT, in tab delimited form, the 4 parameter fields from a control table - is there a way to select each field from STD OUT in the same way you can when in a loop.

{PREV STD OUT(CurrentValueXArray,0)}

I am just trying to avoid a complex seek index , sub string exercise if I can


Forum information
We do not have such a Variable function yet. It could be added though pretty easily. To solve this right now you could use the Loop functionality and then compare the value with a Condition. If it matches then you can continue with next Task.

I see that this is not optimal and a Variable function would be the best and that is definitely something we should add.

Even better, and maybe possible is if you can change the sql query so you get the right row/column from the beginning?

I am moving this topic to Feature requests.
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