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Hi All,

We have visualcron 5.5.5 on which we have several jobs which run with an email trigger. Recently the jobs are failing to run when the email is received. The server polls mailbox every 60secs but the the jobs do not run. (I can see the email arrive in the inbox and removed once polled)😕
I have set the MAPI timeout to 360secs. When checking the job settings, the triggers are still ticked as active.😕
Has anyone experienced this problem before? Any help much appreciated.


Forum information
I recommend upgrading as a lot of error handling has been added. Also, you should try to increase the Retry interval and Retry times on the Trigger.
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Hi Hardial

I have similar 'time-out' issues with my email triggers. Here is something that I found out that 'may' be of help to you. Is your Email service provided by a Service Provider (rather than being hosted in-house)? I discovered that my service provider Limits the number of connections that can be made to my email account each hour. I am basically allowed to connect 60 times per hour with Outlook, after which connections just time out, until the next hour starts.

60 times may seem like a lot, but this includes ALL email addresses for my domain. I have 8 email addresses so that allows me to auto-check for emails only once every 6 minutes where I was actually checking once every 3 minutes, so my smtp email trigger was timing out and disabling until the next hour started! I also have a habit of 'clicking' on my 'Send/Receive' button quite often.

It would be nice if the email trigger didn't 'disable' itself in this scenario though, and perhaps just keep trying until the next hour started (or 'x' number of re-tries).



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