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  •  Hanjo
  • No customer Topic Starter
Hi Everyone

I have thought about a future feature that one could maybe implement into VisualCron.

How would it be if one could configure a SMS notification feature?!

1. What would it need to do?:

1.1. This notification method would need to be able to send an SMS to one or more numbers. (depending on how the administrator configures it)

1.2. There should be a possibility for you to send a one or two word reply telling your client PC to either restart the job or restart the whole PC. (To the notification service)

The biggest questions now are:

1. Would there be a need to create an special SMS Gateway for this Service to be able to be used?

2. What would the costs be for these SMSes?

The Costs I thought could be something like US$ 0.25? This would be +- N$2. (N$ = Namibian Dollars)

Why would I want such a feature?:

I would like such a feature because we here in Namibia have some areas where we have Network coverage but not always Mobile Internet coverage.

Let me know what you think of this idea?

Thank you for your time


Hanjo Zimny
Forum information
Find an service provider for an SMS gateway (Google it) and usually they do an email-to-SMS conversion for you.

We then use an email task to to ship off SMS messages.
You could also try the app XendApp  which VisualCron supports.
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I am also in the business world and one day it just hit me that I was not making proper marketing efforts. So I decided to go with the SMS marketing because it was the easiest way that I could use without anyone else’s help. After some research got the heymarket business text messaging app  and since then it is my best way to go!
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