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  •  Brett
  • No customer Topic Starter
I set up a loop that uses a simple count statement to look for the insertion of a single row in a trigger table - condition is loop while the value in the stdout of the sql statement is = 0 then wait 10 minutes else exit the loop - works fine - exits the loop when the row is inserted, which is then later deleted. However next time the job is run the stdout of the sql task still contains the value 1 from the previous run and the loop is never executed to count the rows in the table. I can't seem to reset the stdout and I guess I can set a variable up etc and handle it that way - but I was just wondering if I was missing an option.

Thanks Brett
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Hi Brett,

If you right click on your job, you can reset the job and everthing is cleared.
This has been there from 6.1.0

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
  •  Brett
  • No customer Topic Starter
Yes thanks I did know about that - but this is supposed to be an auto job polling the trigger table and I can't be expected to be manually reset every time. Not a major problem and I have moved the count test to a variable which I reset myself now. Maybe I should move this to feature request for a task that purges a job of this information - like the manual right click does. 😁
Ok, there is no way to reset other than manually or through API. I guess the future SQL Trigger will solve your problem?
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  •  Brett
  • No customer Topic Starter
Sounds like a win - thanks 😁
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