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Remote execute of a DataStage job says it failed with exit status of 7777 when the task is still running on the remote server?

The VC instance on server A calls the VC instance on server B to execute a single job that is a command line execution of a background datastage job. This job starts correctly and continues until it completes. However after just over a minute and a half the VC instance reports the job has failed and reports the 77777 error code on VC instance A.

The VC instance on server B continues to wait for the job to complete and reports the successful execution of the job when it finishes.

The VC connection definition for the remote server that is set up on server A has a timeout parameter – what is that set in units of ? and what is its maximum ?

Was wondering if this was in milliseconds as the max value the field takes would be around the same 1:30 ish time at which the job fails

Setting to zero does not give unlimited timeout and the job fails in the same time frame.

Setting the timeout to a lower value appears to make no difference to the time of failure – set to 30 seconds still crashes at the same point

Is this timeout value relevant to the issue or is it something else ?
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Sorry for the late response!

Just to confirm that we are talking about Remote Execute Task?

Timeout is set in seconds - not milliseconds.

There is no special max value.

It is hard to say if timeout is relevant. It can only be if it is exactly 30 seconds. I would add some logging to file in the remote process to see which line it fails on.
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