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Good morning,

I was able to set up a SQL Task job without problems by selecting the "MSSQL" Drive Manager. However, that drive manager option does not exist under the SQL Notification dialog, and I can't find any way to get the notification to successfully log the job completion to the database.

My setup is as basic as you can get -- it's a SQL Server 2005 standard install, and I'm using Windows Authentication. I did remember to grant execute permissions ont the log procedure.

What would be a plain-and-simple setup for a SQL Job notification? It would be really nice to be able to test the notification without having to run a job.

Forum information
The easiest way is to add a SQL Task in the end of the Job. If it runs that Task you know it has completed.

The other way is to use a VisualCron trigger on a second Job that monitors completion of first Job. Then add an SQL Task to that second Job.
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