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I'm trying to set up my first WebDAV download and it's not working and the log and documentation doesn't help much. I set up the connection. When I use the explorer from the client, it connects fine, so there should be nothing wrong with the url, login or password.

So, I have a couple of questions/comments:

- In tasks for WebDAV download, should the Source URL folder include the whole URL (including what is in the connection) or just the folder underneath that? For example, in the connection, I have https://myurl:4434/webdav. Should my folder be https://myurl:4434/webdav/FOF_Inbound or just FOF_Inbound?

- When I connect to WebDAV on my workstation, I need to install a certificate the first time. I get this by connecting and then am prompted to install the certificate. I've installed the certicate on the server, but since it seems to store this at the User profile level, I'm not sure Visual Cron can see this when connecting. Could this be my problem? If so, how do I resolve this?

Forum information
The folder should just be FOF_Inbound. When changed to that and if it still fails please send the log_serverDATE.txt to
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I changed the folder to just FOF_Inbound. Here are the relevant lines from the log file:

11/12/2012 11:45:19 AM Info Task started: Download FOF_Inbound WebDAV Data (10)
11/12/2012 11:45:20 AM Info Impersonation result 2: True
11/12/2012 11:45:20 AM Err Exception in Task: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
11/12/2012 11:45:20 AM Info Task completed: Download FOF_Inbound WebDAV Data (10)
11/12/2012 11:45:20 AM Info Job completed: Visual Cron Test
11/12/2012 11:46:08 AM Debug Saving Jobs
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