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10/26/2012 6:55:37 PM Err Error in task sql: The server principal "DEVONWAY\453432-DB1$" is not able to access the database "dwayprod_dict" under the current security context.
BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
10/26/2012 6:55:37 PM Info Task completed: Trn_Log_Backup_Dict (94141)

We tend to run our database backup jobs on the non-SQL node of a Windows cluster. In the above example, 453432-DB1 is the non-SQL node where the transaction log backup job is running and it is trying to execute the stored procedure against the database that exists on 467543-DB2 server. It is successful on a retry so this is not a reproducible error, but one that we see from time to time. The frequency is at least 1 per week.

The stored procedure is run using SQL Server credentials that didn't have such issues when the jobs ran natively from the sql node of the Windows cluster.

Forum information
It sounds like you are connecting with Integrated authentication without having checked "Local login" and "Load profile" on the Credential.
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Hi Henrik,

Yes, the credential used in the SQL task is local domain based user. I verified under Credentials that that user does have 'Load profile' and 'Local' checked.

We can at least conclude that is has something to do with the user. It says that user 453432-DB1 do not have the rights. It seems like the error is on another level (otherwise it would not specify that specific user).
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Hi Henrik,

After a fair amount of research on our end, we cannot see why the DEVONWAY\453432-DB1$ login is being used in SQL Server. As far as we are concerned, we do not want the DEVONWAY\453432-DB1$ login to execute the stored procedure. One thing we are wondering is whether VisualCron is somehow using impersonation when you convert the SQL Task to SQL Command "EXECUTE <stored_procedure>".

Also, this error shows up only some times, so we are not sure what would cause it to impersonate only some of the times. We are on SQL Server 2005 SP4.
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