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I am running version 6.1.4, in a windows 2008 server.
I have a job that has several tasks. I have the output of each task writing to a notification file. Yesterday, we had permission problems since the notification file is located on the network. The tasks were unable to write to the notification file, but the task didn't abend and error was not reported. I had to look at the log to see that a permission error had occurred.
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Were you logged in when you ran it? If not, in what way were you expecting to get information other than log itself?
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I'm not sure what you mean by 'logged in', but the tasks ran like they normally do, using credentials that should give them access to the network location. They have been working great, but for some reason, we had network issues yesterday and the tasks couldn't get access to the files.
The tasks didn't report any problems until my last task which sends out an email and displays the content of the notification file. It didn't exist.
Maybe a color indicator other than green to indicate some part of the task's processes didn't work? Since the tasks themselves didn't fail, just the notification part didn't work, maybe a yellow check mark instead of a green?
Ok, I see what you mean. Our architecture is not constructed that way but I am moving this to Feature requests. We will look through all requests about Notifications when we start looking at converting Tasks to Notifications or similar.
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