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  •  54sd
  • Free support Topic Starter
VisualCron currently supports a task of exporting settings.

My first request is a visual cron task that imports settings.

The goal is to have 1 master visual cron server, that when a job is added/changed/deleted, it:
1) Exports current server settings to folder
2) FTPs that zip to our other server
3) Other server imports those settings(set a file watch on folder for incoming settings
then second feature request..
4) Dis-activate All Tasks
5) Reactivate import task.

This way we have a backup server with the exact settings of our main server any time there are any changes. If our main server goes down we can just active all jobs on the backup server.

I have already made tasks that watch all the exes we use with visual cron and move them over to backup server if changed.
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