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I am in need of a file moving solution that should be simple to solve, yet is proving annoyingly complex. The situation

The source is a Windows XP embedded manufacturing machine that produces torque data and dumps a daily file to the hard disk, which is shared on the network. It also keeps the file it is editing in the same folder.

I need to move all files from the folder except the one that is being currently used, without attempting (and failing) to move the in-use file.

So I need a way to move files based on last modified time, or I need a way to use variables to format the file name with a DAY-1 value that still work across month.

File naming format: Oct10_ST_2.csv (obviously the Oct10 part changes each day as it creates a new file to write to)

Oh, just to mention, the XP embedded machine will NOT support running a script to do this. Scripting the move fails
Forum information
First things that come to mind is that you use the File Trigger and uncheck - wait until file is released. In the following Task you wait a few seconds with the wait Task. Then you try to use the Touch file task on the file. That will probably fail if the file is busy. If it does not fail you go on to the Copy files Task and copy the file.

This might be a workaround but this is a special dilemma.
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