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Under the Main Settings for the SQL Event Trigger the Polling Interval defaults to check every 60 seconds, so say when i change it to run every 30 minutes, i put in 1800 seconds..after tabbing through it, it changes to 600...that is fine as it is doable as you might have limitations...but the issue comes up when saving. The new value does not save and goes to 60 seconds. The reason this could be a problem is that if have a sql statement that shows a this case used for error reporting,i want to have the trigger kick off a job and notifiy the user whe count >0. Unfortunately, in this scenario the trigger will fire every 60 seconds and send an email every 60 seconds...which gives the user no time to fix. I do not want to disbale the trigger because the user could fix the error, but later on in the day another error could create a count value >0 that should kick off the job...but if disabled it will not run. I understand you have the Timeout option...but if the trigger is disabled and i use the Timout option, i might as well just use a time trigger.
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Please ignore this part of the ?...i misunderstood the use of the Trigger Conditions.

The reason this could be a problem is that if have a sql statement that shows a this case used for error reporting,i want to have the trigger kick off a job and notifiy the user whe count >0. Unfortunately, in this scenario the trigger will fire every 60 seconds and send an email every 60 seconds...which gives the user no time to fix. I do not want to disbale the trigger because the user could fix the error, but later on in the day another error could create a count value >0 that should kick off the job...but if disabled it will not run. I understand you have the Timeout option...but if the trigger is disabled and i use the Timout option, i might as well just use a time trigger.

You are right. The problem is that the saved value is not displayed correctly. It is saved correctly but not displayed correctly. We will fix that in upcoming beta. Thanks for the report.
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