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These changes has been made in this version:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added first beta of the mail trigger
[FEATURE] Client: Added confirmation box when trying to stop the Server
[FEATURE] Server: Kill/Stop now stops queued Jobs
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a saving problem of Notifications which could disturb NewLine character
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a second verification bug since last beta
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a problem with created and modified date being reset at import and restart

For those who want to test the Email Trigger - please read the VisualCron doc (chm) for more information.
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I playing with the E-mail triggers, which is quite interesting. A few deficiencies, but I'll address that shortly.

As a note, the server I'm testing agaist is My Avaya Phone system G350/S8300 combo, and it's POP3 support is really old, and IMAP4 wasn't actually getting the folder.

I can get it to download messages, but once the mailbox is empty, get the following in my log:

10/20/2008 4:16:23 PM Err Error in Mail Trigger, ex: -ERR no messages in mailbox
10/20/2008 4:16:23 PM Err Trigger error: Error in Mail Trigger, ex: -ERR no messages in mailbox
10/20/2008 4:16:23 PM Debug Trigger was expired and inactivated

And once this happens, it won't ever let me re-enable the trigger.

Now, as to the trigger, (and it's interesting that it is a trigger as I end up with a job with no tasks), there are a couple things which would really be handy.

For saving e-mail and attachments, it would be nice if I could choose a file name or add a date stamp in the file, as it is very common to have the file name always be the same for my application.

For Received date, it would be nice to clarify the smaller or larger as eariler or later. (at least in the documentation)

Also, I'm having troubles getting the "Save to folder:" to save anything.

Thanks for the new feature though!

Hi, I see that:

- the custom trigger issue is fixed! Thanx =d>
- the create and modified by and date are now correctly filled. =d>
- I get a warning when I want to stop the server. =d>
- there is a email trigger out there, didn't test it yet... 😗
- ehh, is the Kill/Stop queued jobs the 'stop job x' in the context menu? I can not stop the queued runs? How to? 🤔

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Erik: When you try to stop a Job it will also remove that queue for that Job.

BrianB: Do you have any test account that we could test with. Please email to
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Support wrote:

Erik: When you try to stop a Job it will also remove that queue for that Job.

hmm, My test case:

- I have a job which will increase a custom variable by 1;
- The job runs with a file trigger, and the runs are put in a queue;
- If I put in 400 files in the directory;

After the copy I stop my job, but it keeps running. The variable has a value of 400, no matter how many times I stop the job. It keeps running till all the 400 triggers are passed.

So in this case it looks like the stop job isn't working.


Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Hmm..we did the following test. We used a file trigger on a Job which had one Task. A wait Task for 10 seconds. We copied 10 files into a folder. When we right clicked on stop the current Job was stopped and Job was not run again. I wonder what is different with your example.

Please turn on extended debugging and maybe you will see more information as we write a lot of what we do in the log.
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Ok, I looked in the log, didn't find any strange things. I mailed the log to you.

One other issue
In my previous job with file trigger and one increase variable task, I did the folowing:

- I renamed my job;
- I renamed my task;
- I deleted the used variable;
- I created a new variable to use in my job;
- I opened the increase variable task;
- I selected the new variable (there is an error telling me he can get the value of the current one, tha's correct I deleted it)
- I pressed on the OK button;

Now the magic happened:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at UCTaskCalculateVariable.CheckValues()
   at NYeyyIO3eLhRhkaEiYq.HMD8vZObSGDAyvaeEku.CheckValues()
   at NYeyyIO3eLhRhkaEiYq.HMD8vZObSGDAyvaeEku.BxCSaqQ0k(Object , EventArgs )
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraButtonBase.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

It's in the client log.


Uses Visualcron since 2006.
We handle this error in the next version. Still I think that you test case might be too complex to see what is going wrong with the Stop of the Job.
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Unfortunately no, as the phone system is internal only.
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