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I recently had a need to recover a specific job that disappeared. I had made several changes to our VC jobs over the course of the week before I noticed the job had gone missing. I did not want to import settings and risk affecting anything that had changed in the last week so I had to import settings on a new install of VC.. of the same version, and then 'COPY' the one job from the new install to the 'prod' install of VC.

So, I'd like a 'Restore Job from Backup' or 'Restore Task from Backup' option. It would be like the import settings wizard where you select your '' file but then can select a specific item you want to restore from that backup. Even if its a connection, variable, Condition, etc... it'd be nice to be able to pull from last nights backup if I accidentally delete one or modify it and can't recall what I changed. I don't need all jobs/tastks, ever, unless i'm in a disaster scenario. Good to have, but the individual job/task/item restore option would be nicer. I could go back to a backup I have archived from a long while back if 3 months from now someone says 'hey, I need that job again'.... and i wouldn't have to jump through hoops to put it back.

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