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We have one VisualCron server (version 5.7.8), and currently three users (with 4 Windows profiles) on the server. The VisualCron client has been installed for three of the four Windows profiles, all using the default admin account for the server (with a password).

I tried installing the client the fourth Windows profile and wanted it *not* to have access to the default admin account. Here is what I did:

1. From one of the existing accounts, I created a new, restricted permission set on the server, called "netadmin". I also added a server definition for the new "netadmin" user, and gave it a password (different from the admin account password).
2. I logged into Windows using the fourth profile.
3. I clicked on the VisualCron tray icon, which started up the installer.
4. I chose to install the client only.
5. When the installer finished, it prompted me to log in to the default admin account. It would not let me log in without the password for the admin account (a good thing).
6. I changed the username to "netadmin" and supplied the netadmin password that I created from one of the other accounts. This successfully logged me on, but not to the netadmin account - it logged me on to the default admin account, with full admin privileges.

This was all a test in anticipation of possibly granting some IT staff permission to access VisualCron to kill and clean up after a job that sometimes hangs. I can't log in as the IT staff members in question and install and set up the client for them, so it's a disappointment that if I just let them install the client themselves, they are going to have full admin rights on VisualCron when they log in for the first time.

1. Is this a known issue with version 5.7.8?
2. Has it been fixed in a subsequent release?

For now, it looks like I can avoid this scenario through creation of a cleanup job to run when the aberrant task hangs, but it will be good to know for the future.



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