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At present, logging is set at the server level, either Normal or Extended Debug logging (depending on the check box setting under Server - Settings - Log Settings).

A usual first start when debugging or performing support is to set Extended Debug Logging and in many cases (Conditions) you really need this set.

The issue we are encountering is that certain high frequency jobs (often easily rerun in the event of an error) are swamping the Logs (both the text based logs and the log database) to the detriment of the other jobs. This particularly occurs where we have certain jobs that run every 1, 5 or 15 minutes.

Where possible we use triggers of course to avoid this high frequency behaviour, but this is not always possible.

It would be highly preferable to have some ability to control log level by job, and ideally to have a 'low log / errors only' setting for these high frequency jobs to cut down the unnecessary noise.

This would also allow longer history retention for the jobs / logs we really care for.

An alternative (for the database at least - doesn't help the text log files) would be to set a row limit as you do in the database settings (see screen print) which would allow us for example to set a row count to just keep ~ a day's history for the high frequency jobs.

It would also be desirable to be able to cut down the Client Noise (Job Started, Job Ended) for these Jobs (Check Box to Supress Client Pop ups for Job Started / Job Completed).
KJDavie attached the following image(s):
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Any potential that this request makes it into a future release?
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