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Hi Visualcron Support,

We have licensed version of Visualcron installed in one of our servers and we are facing a issue. The issue is if we run a job from one login,we get a pop up in another login in the server as "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application" and the job is not working. Even after clicking OK in the pop up,it says the Job completed successfully.But the tasks in the job were not executed. Kindly do the needful and update us the solution as soon as possible.

Visualcron Version :6.1.9

IT Support,
Cellarstone Inc.
gopi_mattel attached the following image(s):
Forum information
First, make sure that you have "Run hidden" option checked in the Execute Task.

Second, this is probably related to the Credential being used. Error 142 is a very general "access denied" problem. Make sure that you use a Credential that is an admin and that "Local logon" and "Load profile" is checked in the Credential.
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