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Is it possible to use variables as parameters in the Crystal Reports task?

I have an excel spreadsheet with a list of values that I would like to feed into a Crystal Report (mysalesreport.rpt) as sets of parameters (CustomerID, Year).

Spearsheet example:

CustomerID, Year
ABC123, 2012
XYZ321, 2013
HAT999, 2012
BOB345, 2014
HAH135, 2010

I am using a loop to feed these values into a Crystal Report task and saving the output as PDF files. The loop works, as I can produce emails to demonstrate values uploaded from the spreadsheet, but I cannot find a way to get the Crystal Report task to accept variables as parameters within the same loop.

Can anyone help?? 😕
Forum information
For next version we will add a Variable function to get a specific row and column given a specific field and line separator. If you know the order and place of a column you should be able to use this Variable.
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