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Hi All

First of all, this is going to be quite complicated to explain, but here goes.........

I am trying to use Job variables in order to pass a Pathname from VC on one server to a VC Job running on a different server.

Here is the scenario:

SERVER 1 has a job (CALL_SSH) which creates a user variable named '{USERVAR(UID)}_PRDSSH' (UID is a unique string for this particular job). The combined variable contains the name of a path on our SSH server (e.g ../B2B). The Job then calls a GET_FILES job on SERVER 2

SERVER 2 is the only server that has access to our SSH server so we need to run a job on this server to get files to pass back to SERVER 1. The GET_FILES job needs to know the Path on the SSH server.

On SERVER 1, in the Job/Task Control task that calls GET_FILES on SERVER 2, I have defined a JOB VARIABLE. The Key is 'myjobvar' and the Variable Value is {USERVAR({USERVAR(UID)}_PRDSSH)} - (so two nested USERVARS combined to create a single unique variable name). For explanations sake, lets say the variable UID contains the value '1'.

On SERVER 2 however, on the GET_FILES job, the JOB VARIABLES window shows the variable key 'myjobvar' but the Value says 'User Variable not found: 1_PRDSSH'

I think the issue is down to how Variables are interpretted. For example, if I use the 'SET VARIABLE' task to create a variable named 'sshpath' and define the Value as being {USERVAR({USERVAR(UID)}_PRDSSH)} (that is, nested Uservar's to make up a variable name), it is translated correctly, i.e to the Path Value that is stored in the translated variable '1_PRDSSH' which contains '../B2B'.

If I use the nested USERVAR's in the JOB VARIABLES, they are translated to the Variable Name, rather than the value.

However, if I assign the nested USERVARS to a SET Variable, and then use this SET variable in the JOB Variables value, it trranslates correctly on Server 2.

So, am I misunderstanding how JOB Variables are used to pass values between jobs on different VC Servers?

If not, how can I pass a Value from one VC JOB to another?

Apologies for the lengthy explanation.


Forum information
Short question - which version are you using?
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Sorry Henrik - should have made that clear ;-)

I am running the very latest V7.07, downloaded yesterday.


It sounds like you don't have "Translate Variables before sending" in the Job/Task control Task?
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Hi Henrik

I Tried both Translate on and Translate off.

To try and demonstrate the issue more clearly I have sent many screenshots in an email to you. Basically, Job Variables don't translate combined dynamic USERVARS correctly on different servers (for example {USERVAR({USERVAR(JID)}_PRDSSH)} wrongly translates to the actual variable name, whereas {USERVAR(1_PRDSSH)}translates to the correct variable value.



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