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Have some vendors who need to access a few jobs on a server.

They login from machines not on my AD, with local credentials.

I have set them up with AD accounts.

They VPN in, open the VC client but cannot pass through the AD credentials I give them to the server for access.

If they choose AD login, it uses their local username (even with the prompt turned on) which is not found in the AD.
Forum information
Hi Mike,

sorry for the late reply. Probably, as it doesn't work out of the box, the VPN is creating another AD domain name in the session.

What we have done is to add more debug information for next version - so hopefully we will see the problem there!
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The issue is that the user is opening the VC client as "computerX\username" (their local login) but the VC server resides on a different domain where the user has credentials "domainY\username"

VC does not prompt for the AD login but pulls through the credentials used to open the VC client (in this case, the local PC username/password) which does not have permissions to VC.

ComputerX has no connection to domainY.

Preference is that VC allows a user to manually enter the relevant AD credentials to connect to a server.

This would also allow a user to run the VC client and connect to VCs on domainY, domainX, domainB etc, entering different credentials each time.
I see. I am moving this topic to Feature requests forum.
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