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Good Afternoon,

I love this product, it has an expansive reach and is becoming more and more used on my network. I do have two suggestions that would really help.

The zip function requires you to name the attachment. This could ideally function like the move file and be able to keep the original name when its expected to change.

The Email function would benefit from a check box that when checked would require an attachment to be present in order to send. I understand I can accomplish this through conditions, but the conditions are starting to pile up and these rules could be negated if I could easily tell the email task to only email when attachment is present. I hope that these are considered as I bet other people would appreciate the options as well.
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Could you elaborate more on the zip feature you discussed?
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Thanks for the prompt response. Please let me know if I'm incorrect, I had checked with support prior to this post and the individual had confirmed my suspicions.

The Archive - Compress feature allows zipping of a file based on the content filter. I'm able to wildcard this filter to grab files with different names. I have to however name the file when archiving it(source file could have a couple different names). It would be optimal if the archive setting was able to simply keep the filtered files name without me having to hard type it in. This might be achievable if only the archive path was required and the document name was stored as some variable. I kind of think of the copy file function that picks a source and destination which is an example of file manipulation where the file name is whatever the filter picked up. Let me know if if there is already a solution. Basically I think it would be beneficial if the archive item could have whatever name the filtered item happened to be.
Originally Posted by: kparker 

Thanks for the prompt response. Please let me know if I'm incorrect, I had checked with support prior to this post and the individual had confirmed my suspicions.

The Archive - Compress feature allows zipping of a file based on the content filter. I'm able to wildcard this filter to grab files with different names. I have to however name the file when archiving it(source file could have a couple different names). It would be optimal if the archive setting was able to simply keep the filtered files name without me having to hard type it in. This might be achievable if only the archive path was required and the document name was stored as some variable. I kind of think of the copy file function that picks a source and destination which is an example of file manipulation where the file name is whatever the filter picked up. Let me know if if there is already a solution. Basically I think it would be beneficial if the archive item could have whatever name the filtered item happened to be.

While the field needs to be not blank you can always use a Variable within the field which makes it dynamic.
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