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Jake Colman
I have a job that is set to execute every 15 minutes. I'm not sure how long the job will take and need to ensure that I do not get two instances of that job. How can I do one of the following:

1) Specify that the job runs 15 minutes after the previous job ended
2) If the job did not complete in its 15 minute time slot, the job will not begin until the the first one finishes.

Forum information
By default we are preventing a Job from starting if it is already running (main settings of Job). If you need a 15 min space you could add a Wait Task, waiting for 15 minutes.
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Jake Colman
Originally Posted by: Support 

By default we are preventing a Job from starting if it is already running (main settings of Job). If you need a 15 min space you could add a Wait Task, waiting for 15 minutes.

Thanks for the quick reply.

This is a poller task that needs to poll for work every 15 minutes. My problem is that I cannot guarantee that it will complete all its work within 15 minutes and I cannot have a second instance of the poller running at the same time since they will step on each other. How do I set up a job in visual cron that will execute every 15 minutes unless it is still running? And if Visual Cron will simply not restart an already running job, what will it do when the running job completes 20 minutes after it started?
You have two options by default. Either ignore the Job that is being triggered if it is already running or put it in queue.

If you ignore it it will be run the next 15 minutes (if not still running then, then it will be postponed another 15 minutes).

If you put it in queue it will run right after first Job is completed.
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