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I work in a bank and have created several jobs that monitor critical systems, or services that are prone to failure. I was recently asked to provide the dates and times that a particular system was not functioning. Not wanting to manually dig through my email archive for all the alerts, or the VisualCron client's log interface, I thought I'd go straight to the VisualCron logs. I was very happy when I discovered it was a SQL Server CE Database File! All I would need to do is write a quick SQL query! Great!

Yeah, not so much, because the database file is password protected. 😒 OK, I get that. Don't want sensitive data laying around unprotected. So, I wound up writing a quick program to access the log data via the API.

While that worked, it was slow. I imagine this won't be the last time I'm asked for this kind of information, so it'd be really nice if I could set the log database's password on the Database Settings tab of the Log Settings section of the Server Settings. The database would still be secure, and I could query the log to my heart's content using SQL rather than having to write a program to get the answer.

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Originally Posted by: dkocur 

While that worked, it was slow. I imagine this won't be the last time I'm asked for this kind of information, so it'd be really nice if I could set the log database's password on the Database Settings tab of the Log Settings section of the Server Settings.

When you manage over 500+ Jobs and several many times more tasks this can get you into the weeds really quickly with tracking down issues. Im surprised this has not been made a "setting" where one can chose to apply encryption/view password thats been set on that database. Its extremely ineffecient to have to come from the Task level to get Job History for many Jobs. Its grossly ineffecient and lots of back and forth that a simple SQL query could resolve in 1/10th the time. Having to spin up a connection to VC, add your Job/TaskIDs and then sit back and wait is very painful.

I vote for the option to use a full blown SQL database for this information, or allow us the ability to get at this CE database to query for the information we are looking for.

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