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This is the first time I've seen this occur, but our time changed this weekend (we are in the Central time zone) and any job that was scheduled to process during the 2AM hour has not run since that time. Some of these jobs literally run every minute.

We are restarting the server now to see if that fixes it, but even if it does, I thought you should be aware.

keithdavis attached the following image(s):
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Which version are you running now and could you please send the log_serverDATE.txt from that day to
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Log sent.

I looked at the log and it definitely stopped processing a ton of jobs after 2AM. Usually those logs are about 1.5MB, and that one is 142KB.
Strange. Unless a new bug was introduced, we haven't had the problem with DST since prior to 6.1.4 (oldest install we still have that isn't 4.x, which still has that issue).

On 6.1.4, all of our jobs that were to run at 2am or any minute between 2am and 3am that morning, all ran 'right' at 2am or 3am, depending upon how you look at it. They all ran immediately when the time changed without having anything configured to 'run missed jobs/tasks'.

Hopefully the problem isn't back 🙂 I don't want a suprise in a year. Moving the clocks back never seems to have a problem as the next run time is still waiting for a time at least 1 hour from the time it got set back to, but moving forward (skipping time) has always been a concern. I'll try some validation tomorrow with 7.1.4. It's easy to test if you have a spare system and set a few jobs to run every few minutes, then set your clock back to 1:59am that night.

have had this issue with many VisualCron versions (currently 7.0.5).
By the looks of it, upgrading to 7.1.4 is not going to fix this either.

Every year when we head in/out of BST the Scheduler just seems to not run, until you reboot the server.

Will just look to schedule a reboot every time, to try and avoid this.

In this case, nothing ran from Sat night 2am.
Various fixes has been applied during the years. This has not been an easy Task as some systems do not deliver information when time has changed properly. And the reason for time change may be many.

So, what we do is to try to build up various systems to workaround this. The latest change is in 7.1.5. where we fixed another workaround for a problem.
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