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I have the following situation.

VisualCron 7.1.3
OS: Server 2012 R2

1 Job, 2 tasks.

Job has no conditions. There are 2 Tasks:

Task1: List files task for a local path, which expects to find something created within the last 10 minutes by another process. This should ALWAYS be there as the file gets updated every 2 minutes as a heartbeat(to ensure something else is working). No file(s) found is to be considered an error. (proving something isn't able to write a file).

Task1 Conditions: File NOT Exist condition for filename 'DISABLE_TASK1.TXT'. If it exists there is a problem (see FLOW rules below)

FLOW rules are as follows for Task1
1. On Success: Continue to next task in order
1. On Error: Continue to next task in order
2. On Error: run notification to send an e-mail
3. On Error: run notification to write/create a file called DISABLE_TASK1.txt, which is the one being used as a condition of the task noted above.

Based on the above, When the Job runs, Task1 starts and if it does NOT find a file that was modified in the last 10 minutes, it will Send an e-mail, write/create a DISABLE_TASK1.txt, and then run task2 as I still want task2 to ALWAYS run.

Task2 can be anything else. It doesn't matter, it'll never run if the condition is met for Task1. So if 'DISABLE_TASK1.txt' exists, neither task runs. I only want Task1 to not run, and it seems to be affecting all tasks after it regardless of my Flow rules.

Even if I uncheck the box on the Job itself for 'Run tasks in order', meaning I want both Task1 and Task2 to run at the same time, if the Condition is met (DISABLE_TASK1.txt) for Task1, neither task runs. It's as if the condition is technically being set at the job level, even though it only shows on the task level.

Any suggestions or did I find a bug?

Forum information
Not sure if I understood you right but Conditions are separate from Flow. Conditions are evaluated before a Task is being run and Flow after. So, if a Condition is not met on a Task it exits the Task (and Job) by default.
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Nevermind, I figured it out. The actions within the condition were the opposite of what i would normally do, becuase i've never done a condition expecting a file to NOT be there.

Because the condition of the first task was telling the job to exit, whether the 'run tasks in order' checkbox was enabled or not, if that condition was met.... the job would die immediately.

One thing I've noticed though, and i've only used 7.1.3 for a few hours now.... is that on this job with the 2 tasks, after running the job the 2nd task always shows a status of 'running' unless I disconnect and reconnect my client. it never updates to 'Success', though I do see that if I disconnect and reconnect. I'm on the server also, local connection to 'localhost', not a remote client.

Is it possible that you could create a new Job, exactly like this, but with zero dependencies and export it so we can test it here?
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Originally Posted by: Support 

Is it possible that you could create a new Job, exactly like this, but with zero dependencies and export it so we can test it here?

I'm out of the office until Monday and I don't have a 2012 R2 system here at home to test with, but I can try 7.1.3 on my Windows 8.1 system (almost the same) and see If I can reproduce the issue here. I'll try and reproduce and if i'm able, i'll export the entire config and you can have it.


Just so you know, I updated the system running 7.1.3 on 2012 R2 to 7.1.4 tonight, and I do not see the neverending 'running' status on the 2nd task as i described before. I'll let you know if i experience it again.

Originally Posted by: bbusse 

Just so you know, I updated the system running 7.1.3 on 2012 R2 to 7.1.4 tonight, and I do not see the neverending 'running' status on the 2nd task as i described before. I'll let you know if i experience it again.


Thanks for the feedback - please let us know.
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