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We have a set of jobs configured in VisualCron 6 that run every hour, and then we have a time based exception configured so that the job does not run during the hours of 1am to 7am. This normally works fine, however during the clock change from GMT to BST this weekend the job triggered at 02:00 which is in the middle of the 'blackout' period.

The log file shows the following:

30/03/2014 00:09:44 Debug Saving Jobs
30/03/2014 02:00:00 Info Running missed Jobs between 30/03/2014 00:59:59 and 30/03/2014 01:59:59 (RunMissedInterval)
30/03/2014 02:00:00 Info Found missed job: Container job - should have been run at: 30/03/2014 01:00:01
30/03/2014 02:00:00 Info Job started: Container job

On checking logs and triggers it would seem that when VisualCron checks for missed jobs it does not take into account any exceptions configured, and runs the job anyway. Is this a bug, a feature (for a reason i cannot see) or have i set something up incorrectly?

thanks in advance
Forum information
This is a bug - but we have fixed this for the next version. Thank you for the report.
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