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We have an Excel spreadsheet and we need to retrieve the values from this spreadsheet to use in other tasks in the job (call web service, email, etc.).

Can someone please explain in general terms how to use the Excel Get Cells task to retrieve a set of columns (one row at a time) and set variables and/or how to use these values in other tasks?

Thank you
Forum information
If you want to use the values in the same Job you do not need to store it in other Variables. The general approach is the following:

1. when you use the Excel - Get cell Tasks the output (content of the Excel sheet) is stored in the output of the Task. It is stored in the format you specify in "Output" column of that Task.
2. to work with this, one row at a time you first create the Task you want to start working with. Let say an email Task.
3. once create you go to the Task list tab in the Job and add a loop - because you want to loop through all Jobs. You specify the same output splitting for loop as in the Task. Use the For Each loop and loop through the output of the previous Task using this Variable: {TASK(PrevTask,StdOut)}
4. now, in each iteration a lot of Loop specific Variables are created, to access a specfic row, column etc. You then use these Variables wherever you want to do something with the Row/Column

I advise you to look at the video tutorial for loops and then get back with more questions: 
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