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Todd Bransky
My process is supposed to work like this (loop):
1 - Read a list of file names from within a text file (list_of_filenames.txt)
2 - Copy: for each file name in the list, copy that file from one directory to another directory.
3 - Email Alert: when a file is not found, send email notification to users alerting them of a missing file.
4 - continue looping until all files have been copied.
5 - After loop is completed: continue on to next step.

What is currently happening:
The flow does not continue once the loop is complete and all files have been copied.

The Copy task has the On error checked for "No file(s) copied" and the flow is set to "Continue with next Task".
The next task is 'Send the Email Notification' with a 'Continue with next task' set for On Error or On Success.
I added one more 'dummy' step after the Email Notification step that is a 'wait' for 100 milliseconds.
The flow for the 'wait' step is "On success, continue with next Task".

The loop begins with the 'Copy' task and ends on the 'Wait' task.

Can someone tell me how to keep the flow moving after the loop is complete?

Thanks, Todd

Forum information
Hi Todd,

Welcome to the forums!

What you can do is looking in the log files why the job stops.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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