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Setting up a new install of VisualCron 7.1.2, and having trouble with email notifications on errors.

I want to receive an email notification when an error occurs. I have configured and tested the notification. It works if I go into the flow tab of the job and set the job condition to "On Start". The email is sent when the job starts, just like it is supposed to.

Next, I set the Job Condition to "On error". When the job runs, I get a pop-up box with the name of the Job, an "OK" button, and the message "Error 2147221933 was returned"; however, no email is sent regarding this error.

This error box remains and the job stays in a "Running" status until I click the "OK" button. Once I click the button, the job ends, the "Result" column shows "Success", and I do not receive an email. Looking at the job in the list, you would think that there was no problem with the Last run. The Exit Code is "0" and Result is "Success"

Any ideas on what needs to be done to get this error notification working?

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Did a quick google and it seems to be related to ActiveX and MAPI. Email Notification supports SMTP for sending emails - are you really using that properly?
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I think so. I am using SMTP for my VisualCron Notification Connection. The notification works perfectly if I set it to email "On Start", but it doesn't work when an error pops up. Once I click 'OK' on the error, VisualCron thinks that the job completed successfully.

It almost seems like VisualCron thinks that this error box is a normal part of the operation instead of an error.

The job that I am running above launches an exe that sends some emails of its own. The MAPI error message may be more related to the exe than the VisualCron job. But VisualCron should still notify me about the error, shouldn't it?

Yes, the error is related to the exe and not the Notification.

It depends, if the error is a messagebox and the process is not returning an error exit code then the exe will never return an error to VisualCron and no error Notification will be sent.
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