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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter

Please see screenshots. We would like the ability to expand or contract all job groups. The first screenshot is Visual Cron, the second is an application which has a similar GUI with a + and - button to expand/contract. I have also highlighted with a black arrow an export to Excel button, this would be nice also but appreciate this is more work.

al355 attached the following image(s):
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Just to make sure you are aware, Expand/Collapse all is already available on the List tab of the ribbon. It isn't clear to me from your initial post whether you had seen that there is some level of this functionality already in place. (At least, there is in 6.2.2.)

However, you can only do one or the other (specifically, I think you can do whichever you didn't do last, starting with being able to expand), so you always have to expand once before collapsing; and the List tab doesn't stay selected when you click in the list, so you keep having to go back to it. This feature request sounds like an outstanding idea to me.
  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter
Thanks, am aware that you can expand and collapse one job at a time but I don't think you can do this for all at a time, can you?
  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter
Have found that this is already available under Interface -> Expand All.

Think it makes more sense as a right click menu or a +/- next to the user ID but this works, just need to know where to find it!
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