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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter

We really like the calendar view in Visual Cron, however it would be good if these enhancements were possible

1)Select a particular hour, for example we have a lot of jobs running between 6 and 7am. At the moment the lowest level of granularity for a view is at day level.

2)Have a configuration parameter per job ‘exclude from default calendar view’. For example we have some jobs which recur every 5 minutes and we don’t want them on the calendar view by default, we could then have a checkbox in the calendar view saying ‘show excluded’ if we did want to see them.


al355 attached the following image(s):
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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter
We just noticed the scaling slider at the bottom which allows you to zoom into an hour so item 1 is no longer needed :)
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